Am. H. 2610 Test 3
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Notes for HIST 2610 – Dr. Larry Bowman’s LAST Class

Typed by PiNoY! (as usual!)



The Thomas Jefferson Administration


1801 – the "Revolution" of 1800 was taking the place. The election of Thomas Jefferson as president of the United States has signified the victory of the "party of the people". (AKA the "(Democratic) Republican Party"… which is NOT the same Republican Party as we have today, by the way…) On March 4, 1801, the first official Inauguration of the President is being held at the new D.C. (Recall: It’s the first Tuesday in March!) In his inaugurational address to the people, he had five points:

the government should have LIMITED power (unlike what the federalists wanted)

the economy of administration: it should be used only when needed - never over used

We should try to strictly abide by majority decisions…. No more "toying around" and waiting for stuff to happen, as with the Feds…

The preservation of civil liberties - the American reign of terror had cut down on the liberties that Jefferson saw as the basis of our nation. (most of the "Reign of Terror" acts will be repealed in 1802, setting most of the prisoners free)

Peace, Commerce, & Friendship with all nations (the issue of foreign policy) – but we want ENTANGLING TREATIES WITH NONE.

Jefferson was a GOOD speechwriter, but a bad speaker. Some considered his speech alone, after being "published" in newspapers and such, as a masterpiece.

(Note here that the only two public speeches given by the president were the inaugural address and the end-of-term address: addressing the Congress was done through different people… it wasn’t until President Woodrow Wilson’s administration that he began to address the Congress… as well as give the "state of the union" address)

In any case, Jefferson began to try to change the "style" of government to one more like a "Republic."

Customarily, there was a "Sunday Reception" at the White House where a bunch of "aristocrats" came to eat and waste all this food… Jefferson, wanting to make a government more for the "people", stopped such gluttonous practices

Jefferson HATED wigs… he was the guy who more or less did away with them… He’d appear wearing one every once in a while, but for the most part, it just sat there on his desk and looked like a dog.

Did away with seating arrangements: Jefferson was a big time entertainer, but felt that having seated arrangements would make it seem like he favored some people over another. So, he let anyone sit wherever they liked… (Jefferson also introduced things like ice cream and French fries to the dinner table!) These actions aggravated the aristocracies: Jefferson often invited "common men," like fishermen, and janitors, and whores, and Dr. Golden to dinner… Aristocracies didn’t like that… especially when he invited Dr. Golden… that was bad…

Jefferson had a bunch of GOOD things going when he went to office:

A HUGE surplus in the treasury – The debt was down, thanks to the last treasurer… (Adams had Hamilton still as Secretary of the Treasury???) – The debt had gone down from $83,000,000 to $45,000,000. Taxes were also lowered, and things were good!

There were very few domestic problems, as they had all been handled by the Adams administration

The navy was cut down by 1/3 too make things "simple?"

The U.S. Military Academy – the "nucleus" of the army… won more popularity: (Jefferson’s 1st term was very successful)

The War w/ Tripoli (the Tripolitan War on the Barbary Coast) – (Had paid 2 million to Tripoli to protect ships… forced them to sign a treaty to leave us alone! To the present, there have been few exceptions, and the Mediterranean has ALWAYS been occupied by America. We sent the Navy off to go deal with the pirates. We didn’t pull it off entirely, but it looked more "decisive" than most other decisions.

The Purchase of Louisiana – Oct 1 1800, Treaty of San Illedfonso – Spain was forced to cede "Louisiana" back to France…

Started from 1793 – In Haiti, a Revolution is taking place – a man named Henri Christophe leads a revolt with slaves of farmers: after overthrowing, they establish the first BLACK republic. After a while though, things start to suck, and they have a big civil war. People in America are worried that the slave revolts might spread to America.

In 1800, Touissant L’Ouverture comes into power and tries to weld the republic back together. He is considered the "black Napoleon".

Napoleon sends his brother-in-law, Charles L’Clare, to Haiti to help pacify them. They have a meeting and they start war. Touissant is captured in the end, and later dies of pneumonia

Although the French have taken control, Yellow Fever has begun to spread to everyone in sight…

A man named Jean Jacque Dessalines takes over for Touissant, so the French STILL can’t take over… This whole entire time, the French are still fighting their revolutionary wars in Europe, and they are starting to run out of money… so they consider selling Louisiana to America.

(Originally, the U.S only wanted New Orleans so they could use it for shipping.) French Ambassador Talleyrand & his men offer "the Mississippi and its tributaries".

And thus, at the Treaty of Cession?, the Louisiana Territory is added to the U.S. at a price of 2-3 cents per acre… which is a pretty damn good deal if you ask me… (just like buying 10 network cards for $1 each… J ) Also, Jefferson thought that it was the key to the N.W. passage… so why not?

1804 – Jefferson is now REALLY popular for cutting such an awesome deal and everyone loves him… (except the N.E. Federalists, of course).

The BAD THINGS about the Jefferson Administration:

War w/ the Federal Judiciary – The Federal Judiciary Act was rewritten… it reduced the number of justices from 6 to 5 (one of them died… but Jefferson still couldn’t put someone in to try and take hold of the judiciary… more about the federalist judiciary discussed later…) Expanded the numbers for everything else, though… all of this courtesy of the Federalist Congress of the Adams administration… just before Jefferson came in…


1802- the new Republican Congress repeals the old Judiciary Act & tries to do their best to put stuff back to normal. They get rid of extraneous courts to get rid of the federalists. (It seemed like Jefferson was getting personal and kicking the people out of their chairs…)


1803 - ***** MARBURY V. MADISON - Issue of the Decade!:

Marbury was a "midnight appointment" made by Adams, on the eve before Jefferson and his Republicans came to replace Adams and the Federalists. (Read more in the American Heritage, Chapter 10?) In any case, to make a long story short, some of the appointments really didn’t reach the hands of anyone until AFTER Jefferson had already been inaugurated as president. (A lot of them don’t even leave… Jefferson tells secretary of state Madison not to send out the appointments…) In the meantime, Chief Supreme Justice Marbury asks to get a Writ of Mandemus.

RULING: Writs of Mandemus are UNCONSTITUTIONAL: Congress does not have that kind of power.

EFFECT: Created the precedent of Judicial Review, the power of the federal judiciary to oversee the laws and power that Congress itself has. This has an ENORMOUS effect on history and will come up to affect cases like Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Topeka Kansas School Board. (The fun "separate but equal" cases of poli-sci that we had to deal with last year… GOOD GRIEF!)

è Trouble comes when Jefferson tries to remove Justice Samuel Chase from the Federal Judiciary. The Senate says, "Um… NO… I don’t think so!," and so Jefferson has to stop there…


1804 – Aaron Burr and stuff: Now that the 12th amendment has been officially ratified, Jefferson brought him out to the side and said, "Hey… you make a crappy running mate.." He decided that maybe he should go run as governor of New York, in an effort to take control of the "Northern Confederacy". Both parties blocked him from being governor, however… so he ran as an independent… but he lost anyway! Some of Burr’s friends tricked him into thinking that Hamilton had been using a ton of propaganda to make sure that Burr would lose. Burr challenges Hamilton to a duel, a Hamilton is reluctant because his son was killed in a duel, but in the end, he accepts the invitation. They had to cross the Delaware River over to Weekhawken, NJ because duels were outlawed in New York. Hamilton is killed. This is a catastrophe for everyone! When Burr comes back, Jefferson secretly talks to him and shakes his hand… to the point where it looks like Jefferson had WANTED him to kill Hamilton. (That sucks!) Aaron Burr then leaves for Philly. According to rumor, he meets with a British Ambassador to supposedly talk about getting them to cede from the Union. Labeled the Burr Conspiracy. Brits refuse and so Burr goes to the Spanish about. They think (as indecisively as Carlos thinks), and they decide to give him $2500.

Talked to Harmon Blennerhassett, some guy who was living on an island on the Ohio River. Burr also talked to James Wilkinson, an alleged Spanish spy… Together, they were all supposedly pulling together some sort of plan. Wilkinson was afraid of something, so he turned in Burr to the government. Jefferson ordered everyone to stay away from Burr. (This goes on during a period from 1804 to 1806… according to the book Spawn of Evil by Paul Wellman… he was supposedly "doing stuff" to screw up the country…) In 1807, Burr is arrested and tried for treason, but is tried in a Federal Court by John Marshall (a federalist who HATES Jefferson!), so he makes sure that nothing bad happen to Burr. (He says that TWO eyewitnesses are required for a crime…) So… nothing happens to Burr.


1804 – the elections come around and George Clinton comes to replace Burr for VP. Jefferson is still in good standing, but the trouble comes in his handling of foreign policy.


1805 – The Napoleonic Wars: Napoleon begins to ravage through Europe. He hoped to bring in Great Britain via the Navy at the Battle of Trafalgar. Lord Nelson (a Brit), however, takes care of it, however, and stops the French Navy from taking of Britain.


1806 – William Clinton in Paris: tries to sell steamboats off to Napoleon, but he refused.


1806-1807 – Economic Warfare – the Privy Council orders the "Orders in Council" – The English decide to blockade all ports under French control. They also do a nice little contraband deal… Since America’s taken a neutral side, we get hurt by their decisions and lose trade. Napoleon’s Continental System also does the same kind of thing, blocking us from English ports… It’s a really big mess.. ><><><><><><

The British Navy patrols our coasts, interdicting… ?!?!?!?!

The Brit Navy goes around our coast and impresses American sailors who are allegedly runaways from "Her Majesty’s Royal Navy." It’s estimated that about 6-9 thousand people get impressed into the Navy (even though they aren’t really Brits!) This happened during 1813-1814?? Jefferson tries to protest, but to no avail.

In 1807, the USS Chesapeake is ordered to go to the Mediterranean to help against the Barbary Pirates. When they were in the Atlantic, they were pursued by the HMS Leopard. They thought, at first, that they were just going to exchange mail, but suddenly, when they are close, they raise the "heave-to" sign. The Chesapeake tries to run off, but fire is exchanged. (This is considered an Act of War by Leonard in International Waters). They get boarded and the whole bit… they take so many guys that the Chesapeake can’t make it across any more, so they have to go back home… Now, everyone wants war w/ Britain!!!

Lots of people pressed for a special session of Congress to decide on what to do, but Jefferson didn’t want to do it for fear of war. Instead, they just sat on their asses and waited.


Embargo of 1807

no foreign destinations allowed for outbound ships

trade on the coast is permitted, but ship owners were required to post a large bond

no trade with ANY foreign countries was allowed


not many people came home because ships couldn’t go anywhere…

a large smuggling base began to develop

the American Economy is more or less ruined for now…


1808Tertium Quid – led by John Randolph – members of Congress thought that Jefferson had gone too far. Jefferson’s popularity had sunk to an all time low… he decides not to run for a 3rd term… and he made sure that James Madison got PRES and George Clinton got V.P.


March 1, 1809 – repeal of the Embargo Act – sidfj March 15 ?!?!?! This reopens commerce w/ everyone EXCEPT Britain and France.

(Now people are starting to think "Virginia Dynasty"… the "big state" where all the pres’s come from..)


James Madison – appoints James Monroe (VA) as secretary of state. Madison is a bright dude… called him "little Jimmy" because he was short… looked upon as Jefferson’s Henchman by some… he just kinda inherited a bad situation. The economy was screwed, their relations with France and Britain were screwed… and now, there was a situation on the frontier concerning Tecumseh – he forms a coalition to stop western expansion. (He was Shawnee…) Tecumseh’s brother, "the prophet", said that we have to join in and kill all the white people NOW before they come and take us over… so they all get together to try and whoop up…

British Ambassador – David Erskine – thinks that this was is REALLY starting to get old… so he talks into the Erskine Agreement (which really isn’t a TREATY by the way… just a kind of "I promise… blah blah blah…"): Says that he’ll go to repeal the "Orders in Council"… so now, they can trade with Britain… people in America are happy…

British Prime Minister Canning, upon hearing on the deal, says, "WHAT THE…?!?!" HELL NO!" They repudiated the agreement. So, now Madison looks like a fool, and he is forced to reinstate the embargo (pretty embarrassing). People hate him. Madison also asks Congress to try and help: they come up with Macon’s Bill #2, (by Nathaniel NC – R), which declares:

Trade w/ France & Britain will be restored until March 3, 1811

Whoever didn’t recognize U.S.’s neutrality would no longer get any more trade after that point.

Napoleon, who is too poor to have a navy after his wars and defeat at the battle of Trafalger says SURE!

Brit. Prime Minister Spencer Perceval gets ASSASSINATED! And so, the Brit’s didn’t get to act in time before the deadline. So, the embargo is reinstated against England. So, there are big anti-Brit feelings in the U.S.


1810 – New faction in the Republicans: called the Warhawks: they wanted war w/ Britain because they thought that it was totally unacceptable. For example, Henry Clay thought that war was the only way out, and to save American honor. They also wanted to expand to Florida and Canada. They saw a war w/ Britain as a Romantic experience..

War of Tippy Canoe – w/ Tecumseh…


June 1812 – War declared again G.B.!!!! (This looks like the Jackal running in from behind the Lion and biting it on the ass… we are wimps going against a great power…)

Madison wanted to stay netural, but he couldn’t take it any more… the Warhawks, extreme nationalists, called this the famed, "2nd war for independence". They wanted Florida and Kansas esp. (they had already annexed W. Florida after War…?!?!?) – saw this as survival of the fittest.

We jumped into the war totally unprepared! Jefferson had cut down on the army and the navy. In 1811, the Warhawks put a naval expansion bill (and that’ NOT your belly button.. J ) on the floor of the House. It got defeated in a narrow vote, however… (Although the war is all ferocious as shit, Napoleon will be taking everyone’s attention for the mean time, so we won’t need an immediate military force… it’d be nice though…)


The First Bank of the U.S. 1791-1811 – with the Republicans now in power, so the bank charter is killed (rather, left to NOT renew) after it expiration date… (BEST IF USED BY?) – but American NEEDED the funds… now they get all caught off guard without money… HOW STUPID!!!

People began to divide into factions – there is a strong opposition to the war of 1812 by New England and NY.

In the first year of the war, America tries to invade Canada in 3 different directions: Detroit to Windsor, St. Lawrence, and Lake Erie/Ontario. ALL THREE OF THESE ATTACKS FAIL!

the Old Man? Is given command, but he loses his nerves and gets court-martialed… The War is off to a dreadful start.

By 1813, things are still bad … they couldn’t mobilize an army in a hurry like that… no $$$ (bank), plus, industrial goods that usually came from abroad no longer came any more due to embargo type stuff…

U.S.’s Oliver HAZARD? Perry – Battle of Put-In-Bay?! (SW Lake Erie) – both the U.S. and the Brits were building fleets to the point where they just barely touched each other… America routed British forces on Lake Erie, so, for the time the N.E. was protected from invasion. This battle was really bloody, however… 87% casualties to win…

1814 – The pivotal year: Napoleon is now under control – he has been stopped, so time is made to look at other things… so, Britain launches a 3-prong assault on America. But why?

They wanted to at least make their defense collapse.

They wanted to deal at least a decisive blow against America so they wouldn’t look like fools…

Britain blockaded everything from Philadelphia down… why not N.E.? Because they didn’t want the war in the first place… remember? They were FEDERALISTS who though that Jefferson and Madison were assholes anyway… In fact, there were rumors of "blue-light federalists" who walked up and down the docks late at night with lamps with whale oil that burned blue. Upon seeing this, British ships would come in and get reprovisioned by the federalists… and then, they would go…


Lake Champlaine – American victory under Thomas Macdonough

Chesapeake Bay from British Jamaica

New Orleans (shipping line)


Sept 1814 – Maryland – the Battle of Blandensburg (called the Bladdensburg "Races") - the British begin part 2 of their three-prong attack in Maryland at the Chesapeake Bay… they run to Washington and have this battle… (affectionately called the Blandensburg RACES because there was no military support in D.C., so everyone was racing to get out of there. Dolly Madison saves the unfinished portrait of George Washington. Dinner was about to be served when everybody got out, so when the Brits showed up, they say down and had dinner first… then they torched all of DC and burnt it to a crisp.

At the end of 1814, General Andrew Jackson has already received word of part 3 of the attack, so he fortifies New Orleans with bales of hay and cotton, using the Mississippi as his western "wall". Stupid Brit General Pakenham tries to attack, but is routed and defeated… TOO BAD THE WAR WAS ALREADY OVER!!!!

(It was also during this time that Francis Scot Key wrote a poem while captive on a ship outside of Ft. McHenry… near New Orleans. In 1931, music is put to the poem, and "The Star Spangled Banner" becomes America’s National Anthem.)

The Duke of Wellington wanted to take more control… he said that the only was for there to be a decisive victory is if we push the fight on the lakes: we need more fleet and more man power, and in two more years, I guarantee that we’ll win!

But Parliament said, "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" They didn’t want the war anymore. So, they authorized negotiation with the U.S. John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay are sent to Ghent, Belgium, where they negotiate the Peace of Ghent, which successfully brings to a close the War of 1812.


The war accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! "Status Quo Ante Bellum". (nothing has changed… things have stayed the same) - except for the fact that West Florida was being taken from the Spanish. (kinda like WWI!)

The Federalist Party has more or less been ruined. To a big surprise, the two parties have undergone a role reversal as far as party philosophy is concerned.

Republicans reverse their position on the war and begins conscription to bring people into the war.

Federalists reverse their position – they don’t want war! Things have been "out-federalized"!

The Hartford Convention – created by the N.E. Federalist Leaders:

led by Harrison Gray Otis, the "high federalist", who believed in InterSTATE military forces, controlled by the STATE. He also believed that taxes should go to the state too!

He goes to D.C. to complain about this kind of stuff, in hopes that people will go for his ideas…

Except that when he gets there, the peace of Ghent has already been signed, and Jackson has already protected New Orleans against attack, so things are good… People look at Otis like we do at the people who want to bring back the "Republic of Texas".

As a result, the Federalist Party looks really bad… WHAT MORONS!

These wars have brought around some serious "political casualties". (like what the Vietnam war did to wreak the Democratic Party.)

Now, of course, there are LOTS of problems:

The Federalists are wrecked.

Sections of the country are bitter with each other. (This will come to bring tons more problems, as you will see soon.)

Lots of damage due to war. – the ports have been closed and have deteriorated since no one’s been trading, and D.C. has been burned down (the Blandenburg Races)

This is all turning into evidence that the U.S. has a poorly organized government.

Madison declared peace – walked away with JoZ? He said that we need to:

expand the navy to protect ourselves

expand the army as well

(Mind you that this is ALL totally against what the REPUBLICANS believed… this is more evidence of the role reversal in the political party system.) The U.S. goes into a "garrison state", where they just keep preparing for war, even though everything’s already peaceful. As thus, a big military will wreck the economy for years to come. A "professional military" is created… and all this money is spent on nothing productive. Wowzers… To complete his role reversal, Madison also orders the federal assumption of debts, as well as the recreation of the bank of the U.S.!




11/25/97 – the Transition from 1816 (the 2nd War of American Independence)


1815 – so… President Madison has done his "about face":

the 2nd bank of the U.S. has been created and chartered

things have been changing, PERIOD!


1816 – an age of "economic nationalism" has begun… and the U.S. tries to catch up to the economy of other European nations


the 2nd Bank of the United States created – recall that the other one’s charter ran out, and new President Jefferson didn’t see any point in renewing it, so he let it drop. This bank is a carbon copy of the first…. The only real difference is that this one is 2.5 times larger. It was favored by the New Englanders, who wanted capital for their businesses – (the Industrial Revolution is taking place)… but the southerners hate it… The Primary debate is over the Doctrine of Implied Currency (a loose / strict construction issue?!?!) In 1817, the Supreme Court ruled in McCulloch v. Maryland that the bank IS constitutional! (but not widely accepted, as the case may be…) This is a MAJOR DEPARTURE from Republican Party philosophy.

The tariff of 1816: puts a protective tariff on imported finished goods. – during the period of time from the 1800 – 1816, infant industries in N.E. are on the rise.. but American manufacturers can not produce goods for a price lower than that of imported European goods. So, to counterbalance that, a HIGH protective tariff is used to "overprice" imported goods, and force Americans to buy only American goods… at the same time, revenue is being generated from the tariff. This is done to:

Protect U.S. manufacturers

Raise revenue (average tariff was around 12%… would range high and low, depending on type of good / time of day) (This is contrary to NAFTA, which creates the biggest trading deal ever.… three countries and NO TARIFFS!)

Now, the tariff was supported by N.E. and the middle states… (N.E., NY, and Penn)… the SOUTH however, doesn’t want it because they are afraid that the Brits would raise tariffs on the raw cotton that is imported to England for yarn making and shit at their textile mills.

So, how else can you generate revenue?

The tariff, obviously…

The other way they did it was through the sale of western lands…(the public domain)

è The western states wanted a HIGH tariff… since there were only two ways for the government to get revenue, they wouldn’t want a high price on western lands, or else people couldn’t afford to expand to the west… so… they had to go for the other option…

è At this point, the nation begins to divide over the issue… the west and NE will divide, and of course be apart from the slave south.

The government will also try to involve itself with internal improvements:

The war of 1812 basically told Americans, "Your transportation system sucks!" (& the GOVERNMENT should be the one funding itself with money to continue these improvements!) The government should take charge and pool money from EVERYONE in the nation.

In 1811 there were already plans to build the "National Road" (also called the "Cumberland Road")… It was supposed to span from Cumberland to Wheeling, W. VA, then to Vandalig, Illinois… this would be the ONLY national road… Easily, this created high tensions between the three sections of the country:

N.E. – Pro-Tariff, Anti-Road : "We can’t have people moving out to the west or else we won’t have anyone to run our factories!!!"

West – Pro-Road, Pro-Tariff: "We need a road, but don’t charge US for it… get the money from taxes!"

South – Pro-Road, Anti-Tariff: "We need a road too… to get goods around… but we can’t have a tariff… or else Britain will get on our asses!"

And so, an Era of Sectionalism begins… (1816 – 1848) - Can’t We all Just Get Along?!?!?!


(the next time around) –

Politics in the Nation!

Sen. Daniel Webster (MA) – is Pro-Tariff, Anti-Road, in favor of Internal Improvements in N.E.

Henry Clay (??) – from the middle

John C. Calhoun (SC) – Anti-Tariff, but Pro-Road

è from 1820 – 1860, the conflict will be also over SLAVERY

Slavery is absolutely needed by the south: It’s already become a big part, and will continue to be… because they need cheap labor to run the plantations.

The slave trade is estimated in an economy of around 4 billion dollars…




1816 Election – The candidates are:

James Monroe (R )

Daniel Tompkins (R )

Rufus P. King

( NO V.P’s are named…)

Recall that in 1790, the two parties in power were the Federalist Party and the Democrat-Republican Party. By 1800, a shadow begins to be cast on the Federalist Party… and by 1816, the Federalist Party has totally collapsed… now, it’s almost 1824… and the Democrat-Republican party is still running strong.

Andrew Jackson – W

John Quincy Adams – NE

Henry Clay – S

William Crawford – W

(In 1824, THESE are the candidates, and JQA will win… As you can see from this, sectionalism will begin to fragment the country, so that the president will simply have to be the one in control of the largest section.)

Later, in 1828, the National-Republican Party will be created, headed by Henry Clay. This will transform into the Whig party by 1832, and then into the MODERN DAY Republican Party by 1854, when Lincoln takes over in 1860. The Democrat party (read assholes) is here to stay, however…


It’s 1824, and James Monroe has become president, ushering in the Era of Good Feelings.

Monroe didn’t really like being president, but instead, he liked to be LIKED.

He was old school: he was the last president to ever wear wigs, and the type of attire that he wore: After this, it would be the "rise of the common man".


1819 – the Panic of 1819 (a DEPRESSION) – this is the 1st serious economic reversal. There are recessions everywhere… everyone lived on the land, right? Monroe thought that he should just leave it alone, though... and just let it solve itself.

As America had become more industrialized, the more that the whole depression hurt… ?!?!?!

1680: remember the Germantown Protest? They said that slavery is wrong and should be ended… but SLAVERY IS PROFITABLE, so it is allowed to continue in order to help the economy.

1819 – 22 states total in the Union thus far… (11 free and 11 slave: there is a BALANCE) – The balance of power is sustained. In the House, however, there are 105 from free states, 81 from slave states… People from the North who will vote with the South are called Doughfaces.

Lots of immigration is taking place in the North… and this influx of people will always keep the North dominant in the House. There are 11 of each in the south, however, so the balance gets maintained in the upper house… (Population-wise: N: 5.1 million / S: 4.5 million – the NORTH has the majority)

The Enabling Act is passed by the House – it enables a state to write its own state constitution. This is done because of westward expansion and the fact that more states wanted to become annexed to the Union… The creation of states begins to become an issue!

1819 – the state of Missouri wants in. Even though they only have a few slaves, they want to enter the Union as a slave state.

James Tallmadge (NY) – writes up the Tallmadge Ammendment: they try to prevent this expansion by altering the constitution:

if/when MO becomes a state, all children of slaves will become free when they reach the age of 25.

There will be no further importation of slaves… (This is all done to try and sway the state into a "free" state after several years…)

This turns into a HUGE battle: This is added to the enabling act in the senate, they hold the line, but it doesn’t get passed in the end. It just dies…

Fall 1819 – the Congress comes back to session, and it’s the first thing on the floor of the House. Again, Tallmadge puts in his amendment. BIG DEBATE ON THE MO TERRITORY! (This goes on from Dec. 1819 to Mar. 1820)

Rufus King argues that ?!?!?!?!

William Pickney argues, however, that slavery IS economics – they are the SAME THING… we MUST allow it to continue and get bigger, otherwise the economy will start to suck since southern farmers won’t be able to put out any crops… Yes, Congress has limited slaves before, but recall when we bought out everyone in the LA territory, when we promised to protect slave owners.

So, TWO sides have developed over the issue: legality and morality – What so ever shall we do?


1820 – Now, Maine wishes to break away from Massachusetts and petitions for entrance into the Union. So, the crisis is subverted! J.B. Thomas (IL) offers up the Missouri Compromise:

Maine should become a free state

While Missouri can be whatever they want (a kind of "pro-slave" if you will… =)

WOAH!!! Some other "stupid" provisions:

Free negros CAN NOT live in MO.

Neither can "mulattoes"!

So, the issue just isn’t race: it’s more like STUPIDITY… BUT, this brings up the question of state’s rights… Can they do this? Henry Clay (SC) goes up against it and tells them to stop, back off, and let them in! They say, "Fine… be that way…" and them enter the Union in 1821 as the 24th state, out of the 2nd Missouri Compromise. This is SIGNIFICANT however, as it brings slavery to the forefront of American National Issues. From now on, until the end of the Civil War, slavery will be THE issue (cause it’s really emotional…)

12/2/97 – The Monroe Administration : the era of good feelings (fake), the Missouri compromise, and slavery…


1815 – 1823 – There are BIG plusses in FOREIGN POLICY for Monroe (an era of Diplomatic Nationalism):

Napoleon is at the center of action…

The Purchase of Louisiana

Britain was in the mood for reconciliation with the US:

the Atlantic will become the "Anglo-American Lake" (Things between the two of us will be cool… even to modern times…)

Convention of 1815 – (at the end of the Madison Administration) NOT really a treaty, just a "gentleman’s agreement". The U.S. tries to get all of their old British markets back. They get back the British EAST Indies, but they want the British WEST Indies… (We don’t really care about the BEI… but oh well… things are looking good between the U.S. and Britain…)

1817 – Enter Monroe: the Rush-Bagot agreement – (Richard Rush is the acting secretary of state for John Quincy Adams, who is over in England still since they were dealing with the end of 1812…) This agreement was important because:

Everyone limited to only 1 warship on Lake Champlain, and 1 on Lake Ontario. (Up to 2 for each of the other lakes…) The ships must not be of greater than 100 tons, and they can only carry up to one gun each, which should not be more than 18lbs.

This "peace" gives rise to the longest unfortified national boundary in the world!

(Although this was only an agreement at first, it was later turned into a formal treaty, including ratification from congress, around late 1817.)

The Convention of 1818 (JQA is now back) – an agreement is made that the U.S. can land on any unsettled part of Newfoundland / Labrador to build fishing stations and the like… (they had been able to do this in the past, but the privilege had been taken away in midst of the war of 1812)

The convention also fixed the boundary of the U.S. and Canada to be along the 49th parallel, from Lake of the Woods to the crest of the mountains (wherever THAT is…); there were disputes over the Oregon Territory, so they agreed on joint occupation 10 years (which was continually renewed). During the Mexican War, Britain decides to extend the 49th parallel boundary all the way over to the Pacific.

The Adams-Onis Treaty1810 – the Americans go to "west Florida" where stuff is nice and cool… The Spanish who are there say that it’s ok to stay there as long as 1) you convert to Christianity, and 2) pledge allegiance to the King of Spain. (They usually didn’t do either, though… they just stayed there…) During the war of 1812, the American "immigrants" revolted against the Spanish and got annexed to the U.S. Then, around 1816, they decided that they wanted the rest of Spanish Florida. There were lots of Indians that "refuged" in Spanish Florida and raided on cotton plantations in America. So, Andrew Jackson wanted to go in and punish the Seminole Indians that had come through and went back just to hide… Once inside, he saw 2 British merchants and hung them. Sec. Of War Calhoun got really pissed off and wanted to court-martial him. John Adams wanted to play it. He tells Spanish Ambassador Onis to sell before it’s too late for $5 mil. Onis says ok… THEN Adams goes back and says "HEY! You owe us $5 mil for damages anyway, so give us Florida and we’ll call it even…" Onis had no choice…


1823 – the Monroe Doctrine:

Napoleonic Wars are going on…

the Congress System: talks

Congress of Verona: everybody gets together to try and talk about MILITARILY coming together to take care of their little "problem".

They heard that a major force was going to be sent from Europe to be sent to central / south America to put down the revolts and take back the "newly created nations" & possibly create a NEW French empire…

The BRITS didn’t want this, as it would destroy their newfound markets…

The U.S. didn’t want this, as it would be more fights and war, and certainly revive European Imperialism… NO!

So, George Canning the Brit. Prime Minister wanted to have the U.S. in on a joint declaration w/ the US saying, "If any country is going back to their mother country voluntarily, then that’s not a problem… BUT, if Spain tries to MAKE them go back, then WE WILL NOT STAND IDLY BY."

The President took it around to everyone… but ADAMS didn’t like it:

Texas and Cuba are not included in the statement… and if we back England, then they may still get control over it… but WE want it…

The NW Pacific has also been incidentally left out… (Oregon Trail, etc.) The U.S. doesn’t want to back England and then have to give in to her plans…

1823 – Adams says, "If you want to make a statement so bad, why don’t you make it yourself?!?!"

And so, the Monroe Doctrine is declared:

America (as a continent) is no longer subject to colonization.

We are an entirely different political system. You can’t try and take us back like you think…

Any attempt to violate the above 2 will be seen as an act of war.

If you have currently colonies, you can keep these… and nothing more…

We won’t interfere if the colony wants to come back to you voluntarily

We will not take part in European wars in which we have no interest.

è Everybody laughed at us… but Britain "accepted" the Doctrine, and used their navy as the muscle to back it up… (Even though we are the little chihuahua making the threat, we’ve got a bulldog to back us up…)


(in 1901, the Hay-Pauncfole Treaty transfers the responsibility of "policing" the Monroe Doctrine "officially" to US. (OK! Now that we’ve got the responsibility, let’s go start a revolt and build a canal!!! J ) In several cases, we have specifically repudiated the Monroe Doctrine. (It’s dead now, but the principles behind it are still alive…)


1823 – recall: there was only the republican party… and a lot of people want the job of president in the up and coming 1824 election. The Candidates and their vote tallies in the HOUSE:

Andrew Jackson (TN) – 99

John Quincy Adams / Sec. Of State (MASS) – 84

William Crawford (GA) (gets lost in the scuffle) – 41

Henry Clay (KNTCKY) – 37

John Calhoun / Sec. Of War (SC) – has the VP position handsdown…



THE ESSAY: Sectionalism!

ISSUE New England / Middle States West South
Protective Tariff HIGH – need to protect the industry HIGH – it stimulates growth (besides… we don’t want to up the price on Western lands!) LOW – need to keep prices down so the Brits won’t do the same to us… we export raw cotton to their textile mills, ya know?
Internal Improvements MANY – to create strong trade routes and sell our finished goods all over the nation MANY - they want the same kind of stuff everywhere… GOOD roads will help people move west FEW – they’re too expensive! We gotta raise taxes for that shit, and that’s not good.
Western Lands (aka the Public Domain) HIGH PRICE – if it’s dirt cheap, then people will leave the factories LOW PRICE – well… making it dirt cheap is exactly what we wanna do! HIGH – well… we don’t want high protective tariffs… you can get your revenue from here, right?


And so, the nation has undergone sectionalism, and, for real, everyone is split differently on the issues…

WAIT! – Calhoun withdraw to go to the VP position, so Jackson, JQA, and Crawford (who gets lost) are in the senate (remember: 24 states) – JQA wins 13-7-4. Jackson goes home to create the "modern democratic party" and to ALREADY start planning for the 1828 election. Clay also dropped and put his support behind JQA… he didn’t like Jackson because he went down and killed people in Florida. In return, Clay is appointed as Sec. Of State… (called the "corrupt bargain") CORRUPTION IS BAD!

12/4/97: JQA: What a WHITEBOY!

He’s the last of the revolutionary boys (father was head of the Sons of liberty… etc.)

Wanted to bring in an "Age of Gentlemen" in politics (he wanted only certain types of people, of a certain socio-economic class, like "aristocrats" in office…)

This is actually the END of this age, since Jackson begins the "Rise of the Common Man", where it matters more about what the COMMON man thinks…

Last of the "patrician" politicians

1825 – at his inaugurational address, there were problems that he kinda addressed, like the tariff, internal improvements, and the Bank of the U.S. BUT, JQA looked like a fool as he talked about making a University, a library, and an Art Gallery (stuff you’d get out of Europe!) He started worrying more about "culture" kinda stuff… and didn’t look at the importance of the "common man"… he worried more about "the internal laws of justice and morality"

So, from the very beginning, JQA seems to be an outsider. He is stubborn, proud, and NOT a very good politician… He will be our 2nd one-term president.. (the other was his dad)

March 1825 – the Treaty of Indian Springs (from the Monroe Administration)… for the Creek Indian Nation… The gov. wanted to move the Creeks out of W. Georgia to W. of the Mississippi for $5 mil. The Creeks petitioned, though, because they thought that the treaty was unfair, and that they were being bribed to give in… So, acting in the "laws of justice and morality", JQA pulled the treaty back from the Senate. For this, he paid a HIGH political price, as he sided with the Indians… but when the Fucking White People ™ came in and took over the place anyway, Adams didn’t do jack to enforce his fucking morality. So, Adams is caught between the old Monroe "foreign policy" standard and the Jacksonions… (What a Fucking Bastard ®) (He is also caught between the rise of the new political party… (National Republican = JQA & Henry Clay, while Democratic = Andrew Jackson)


1827 – The Nation needs more operating currency (with the continued expansion… people are taking their money west… AWAY from the east… WE NEED MORE "CURRENCY"), PLUS, N.E. wants a high tariff to protect themselves from imported finished goods. The tariff becomes a "political football" (The South wants the tax on RAW MATERIALS). Tariff passes through the House, but it ties in the Senate and is voted down by John C. Calhoun (VP – Speaker of the House)

Andrew Jackson’s "What-A-Guy ©" Plan

…sure…Jackson has a hold on the West (where he’s popular cause that’s where he’s from…) and in the South (cause he’s a slave owner)… but ADAMS has a hold on New England, NY, and PA. In an effort to draw these people out, Jackson’s "people" in Congress tries to pass a high protective tariff on RAW MATERIALS. (NE wanted the tax on FINISHED goods, so they could protect their industry…) Jackson himself went to go cut it down immediately. So, he looks good… but hey, the New Englanders vote FOR the tariff anyway… PA & NY, who DON’T want it on raw materials, go for Jackson… and SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE IN N.E!! What-A-Guy! ©


1828 – the Tariff of Abomination:

South Carolina Exposition and/of Protest

Doctrine of Nullification is brought around: if the federal government passes a law that is "detrimental" to a state, then the state can hold a convention and vote to SUSPEND the law. Then, if the feds can either a) not enforce it, or b) ask for everyone else’s opinion. If ¾ of everyone else says that the law is cool, then the state can either live with it or try to PEACEFULLY secede from the Union. (if they really feel like it…)

Adams tries for re-election with Richard Rush as VP. Henry Calhoun backs out and goes to the Democrats… Jackson reluctantly picks him up as his running mate.


So, the National Republicans hold a convention in Harrisburg, PA. They nominate people… (this sets a precedence for years to come.. up to now… big ass conventions for naming people…)


1828 – the "campaign" concept also beings to evolve. Usually, a candidate’s "folks" campaigned for them, yelling out as loud as they could how great of a guy the candidate was…There was usually absolutely NO talk about the issues… just "personalities" instead...


1884 – "Ma, ma, where’s my Pa?" – Jackson’s opponents really dug up the dirt on him! Jackson had some marital problems (bygomy) and he had duels because of it. Jackson executed all the men who deserted him in New Orleans…



Andrew Jackson’s Presidency

1828 – inaugurated with 56% of the electoral vote

he was a good ??

Jackson was dedicated to a particular set of principles, and he was not easily swayed from them

He was looked upon as the "uncivilized" westerner

VP: John C. Calhoun (yeah… remember me? The guy who wanted to COURT MARTIAL YOU!)

YeAh… remember 1818? Jackson will soon discover that Calhoun wanted SERIOUS punishment for his crossing over to Florida. This will ruin their relationship from here on out…

A BIG inauguration: everyone was invited (even the "rough westerners") – This was ushering in the age of the common man, remember? Jackson is already kind of ill, though…

The Frontiersmen from the west were wrecking the White House, and the had to be coaxed out with bath tubs will of whoppers and carob coated peanuts… (Yes sir, I especially like the yogurt covered pretzels!)

He was the first president NOT to be from VA or MA (remember the Virginia Dynasty?)

He was the first one NOT to be of the revolution!

He was really proud of the scar on his left cheek, though. When he was a kid, some Brit. Officer told him to shine his boots, but Jackson refused… so the Brit. Soldier cut him with a sword…

Believed in equality of opportunity.

His speech contained four major points:

Equality of opportunity

"Laissez faire" – hands off business and economics

Strict constructionist (bank of the US? Bah Humbug!)

Believed in states rights / sovereignty…


1829 – Had to form a cabinet (more for political payoff than for talent.)

Sec. Of State – Martin Van Buren (NY) (good guy!)

John C. Calhoun (SC) – VP (Well… there’s IMMEDIATELY a polarization between these two!) (They will fight to be president later on…) A "Kitchen Cabinet" is also created by Jackson… a bunch of "informal" people that he talks to about the issues (this is in American Heritage… READ IT!) Originally, these are all newspaper editors who have supported him since the very beginning… it soon expanded out to part-time politicians.)

People will advise him for 2 years… (everyone will then resign)…

à Spoil System: putting in people to take over the system?

à began to "entrench" his party in office!

1830-1831 - Everything is pretty stable and Established by now…

or… IS IT?


1830 – the Webster Hayne Debate – Samuel Foote brought in a bill to eliminate the surveyor general’s office (the guy who measures out land in the public domain for selling) Thomas Benton accuses him of representing a manufacturing co. in the east and trying to keep everyone there… Sen. Issac Hayne (SC) comes in and backs the WEST… Enter, Webster (MA) - The issue has now matriculated from the dispute over Public Lands to State’s Rights. Hayne believes that all states are sovereign. Webster thinks that the system should continue on as it is now… There is a SERIOUS debate on State’s rights… this will lead to LOTS of talk…


1830-1831 – the Peggy Eaton Affair- In D.C., the Tennessee Delegation stayed at the boarding house owned by the father of Elizabeth O’Neal. She became the "all purpose friend" (read "whore"… ) Like, if they were ever going to a party and they need a female "accomplice", they would turn to Elizabeth. In the end, she ended up marrying one of them named Timberlay (after allegedly being "more than friends" with Sam Houston). After that, she started "seeing" Senator J.H. Eaton. Then her husband killed himself (allegedly because he found out that his wife was leaving him… but could’ve actually been because he was an embezzler, and he didn’t wanna get caught…) In any case, Eaton was in Jackson’s cabinet, and often time, Jackson would "defend" Peggy in front of everyone else. Van Buren became her "champion."


1832 – the Nullification Movement – southerners failed @ lowering the "tariff of abominations" A convention was called up in SC (remember exposition and protest?) (See previous stuff on the development of nullification) SC nullifies the tariff… and although Jackson was all about State’s rights, he thought that what they were doing was WRONG! So, he put a part of the federal navy in SC, but asked Congress to put up a compromise tariff to be cool like that… & also the FORCE BILL.


Spring 1833 – SC says cool! After a nice compromise… (They had hoped to bring people into the nullification movement.) But the tariff is issued and the matter is settled. So, in the end, SC nullified the tariff, compromised, but nullified the FORCE BILL TOO!

2nd bank of the U.S. – financial savior / financial devil… JACKSON WILL VETO ANY BANK BILL!!!


1836-1837- Tried to recharter a 3rd bank, but it got vetoed in July… He was a strict constructionist anyway… He called it the "monster of chestnut street" – Westerners approved because they wanted a liberal banking policy, but bank regulates currency.

They wanted to put in SPECIE! (Be sure to know HOW a bank makes money and the process of "putting out more than you’ve got!)

JACKSON destroyed the bank by shoveling funds to private "pet" banks.

Limit powers à Jackson I

People started thinking that he had WAY too much power… they WANTED the bank… the newly formed WHIG party (economic industrialists like JQA and J. Calhoun) started labeling him as "Jackson I" – "king"…



Indian Removal Policy – (Oklahoma) – several Indian nations were "moved" off… "Trail of Tears" Jackson moved all Indians from East of Mississippi.

1836 – Texas – Annexation or just recognition of Texas? Pulled in… SLAVERY IS NOT FAR BEHIND!


Yippeee!!! It’s OVER!